Clémentine. Two individuals searching for each other, trying to find each other but only succeeding in losing each other further. Questioning the evolution of our perception of romantic stories and the influence of the image we construct in our real and virtual lives, Rhiannon Morgan explores what remains immutable: our need for contact, for sharing, for being loved and valued by the other. To achieve this, the relationship and its beginnings are pushed to the extreme, taking the audience to task.

Rhiannon Morgan explores human relationships and unspeakable emotions through dance. The choreographer seeks to evoke a personal emotion in the spectator through the absurd. Dance becomes a bond that unites despite differences. Rhiannon Morgan plays with movement in all its forms, with the constant aim of highlighting the richness of the performing arts. Her aim is to create new perspectives on reality through stories, blending surprise, humor and wonder.


Concept and choreography: Rhiannon Morgan

Performers : Giovanni Zazzera, Rhiannon Morgan

Artistic consultant: Antoine Colla

Technical assistant: Jonathan Christoph