Jill Crovisier

© Noah Bach

Creativity can be expressed in a thousand ways. Finding the courage to express oneself creatively is a real challenge, especially in this demanding, performance-driven world. That’s why SAHASA invites spectators of all ages to have the courage to (re)find their creativity in whatever form it takes, not to let themselves be crushed by daily routine, and to enjoy (once again) the passing of time.

Concept and artistic direction: Jill Crovisier | Choreography: Jill Crovisier in collaboration with the performers | Performers: Lynn Jung, Isaiah Wilson, Sven Fielitz | Musical composition: Damiano Picci (Unison studios) | Lighting design: Nico Tremblay (Rotondes) | Technician on tour: Nico Tremblay | Production : JC movement production | Coproduction : Rotondes, CAPE – Centre des Arts Pluriels d’Ettelbruck, Opderschmelz | Support: TROIS C-L – Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois, Ministère de la Culture Luxembourgeois